Thursday, June 2, 2011

Finally...Google Plus One is here!

The Google "Plus One" button seems to be a good contender to the Facebook "Like" Personally, I adore the "Like" button, but I would want to see how the "Plus One" competes. I just managed to add the Google +1 button to my blog posts.
It is pretty straight forward.

1) Log into your Account.
2) Go to Dashboard --> Design --> Edit HTML.
3) Check the "Expand Widget Template" Checkbox
4) Paste the below code just under the <data:post.body/> tag

<!-- Google +1 button Start -->
        <div style='float:left;padding:10px;'>
               <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
               <g:plusone expr:href="data:post.url" size="standard" count="true"></g:plusone>
<!-- Google +1 button End -->

And Voila ~~*~ You are done!
You can control the size of the button by the "size" attribute, which accepts values of small, medium, standard and tall

This snippet positions the +1 Button after each posts. If you prefer it on the top of each post, place the above snippet before <data:post.body/> instead of after it.

You can also change the value of "float" attribute to right or left to position it horizontally.

~~~ Have Fun ~~~